Brain health

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, known for its devastating effects on memory and cognitive functions. This neurodegenerative disease is characterised by the accumulation of amyloid plaques, tau tangles, and chronic neuro-inflammation in the brain. While these hallmark features of AD are well-established, the factors that trigger these pathological changes are still being explored. Emerging research has pointed to a fascinating link between the gut microbiome (GMB) and the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Understanding this connection could open new avenues for prevention and treatment. This article will delve into the role of the GMB in AD, discuss the latest findings from human and animal studies, and explore potential therapeutic strategies.

The Connection Between Your Gut and Brain

The gut microbiome is a vast and complex community of trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, that reside in the digestive tract. These microorganisms play crucial roles in various bodily functions, including digestion, immune regulation, and even brain health. The concept of the gut-brain axis refers to the bidirectional communication network between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system (CNS). This network allows the gut microbiome to influence brain function and vice versa.

Recent studies suggest that alterations in the gut microbiome may contribute to the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The GMB can affect brain health by regulating immune responses, producing metabolites that influence brain function, and interacting with the blood-brain barrier. Understanding how these mechanisms work can help us comprehend the potential role of the gut microbiome in AD.

What Human Studies Tell Us

Several human studies have identified differences in the gut microbiome composition of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease compared to healthy controls. These studies suggest that an imbalance in the gut microbiome, known as dysbiosis, may be associated with AD.

One study found higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the blood of AD patients, along with a gut microbiome enriched in pro-inflammatory bacteria and depleted of anti-inflammatory bacteria. This imbalance could contribute to chronic inflammation, a key feature of AD pathology. Another study reported decreases in the abundance of Firmicutes and increases in Bacteroidetes or Proteobacteria in the gut microbiome of AD patients. However, the specific bacterial changes reported in different studies are inconsistent, likely due to various factors such as small sample sizes, dietary habits, and geographic differences.

For instance, one study conducted in China observed that AD patients had lower levels of beneficial bacteria like Eubacterium rectale and higher levels of harmful bacteria like Escherichia/Shigella. Conversely, a study in Italy found different bacterial shifts, emphasising the influence of diet and environment on the gut microbiome. These variations highlight the need for larger, more standardised studies to clarify the gut microbiome alterations associated with AD and to determine whether these changes are a cause or consequence of the disease.

Insights from Animal Studies

Animal models of Alzheimer’s disease have provided additional evidence supporting the role of the gut microbiome in AD. These models allow researchers to manipulate the gut microbiome and observe the effects on AD pathology in a controlled environment.

In mouse models of AD, such as 5XFAD and APP/PS1 mice, researchers have observed significant changes in the gut microbiome compared to wildtype mice. These changes include increases in Firmicutes or Bacteroidetes and decreases in microbial diversity. Such dysbiosis is often associated with increased inflammation and altered immune responses, both of which are implicated in AD.

Manipulating the gut microbiome through antibiotics or germ-free (GF) conditions has shown remarkable effects on AD pathology in these mouse models. Antibiotic treatment consistently reduces amyloid plaques in the brains of both male and female AD mice, likely by increasing the activity of amyloid-degrading enzymes. Germ-free mice, which are raised in sterile conditions without any gut microbiome, also show reduced amyloid levels. These findings suggest that the gut microbiome plays a crucial role in modulating amyloid pathology.

Interestingly, the effects of antibiotics on amyloid levels appear to be sex-specific. In some studies, antibiotics reduced amyloid plaques only in male mice, suggesting that interactions between the gut microbiome and the immune system may differ between sexes. This highlights the complexity of the gut-brain axis and the need for further research to understand these sex-specific mechanisms.

How the Gut Affects Brain Inflammation

One of the key ways the gut microbiome may influence Alzheimer’s disease is through its impact on neuroinflammation. Inflammation in the brain, driven by the activation of immune cells called microglia, is a significant factor in AD pathology. Microglia play a dual role in the brain: they can help clear amyloid plaques and other debris, but when chronically activated, they can also promote inflammation and neuronal damage.

Research has shown that the gut microbiome can influence the inflammatory state of microglia. In AD mouse models treated with antibiotics, microglia tend to be less pro-inflammatory and more capable of clearing amyloid plaques. This suggests that the gut microbiome may produce metabolites or signals that modulate microglial activity. For example, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced by beneficial gut bacteria have anti-inflammatory properties and can influence microglial function.

The gut microbiome may also impact neuroinflammation through its effects on the peripheral immune system and the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is a protective barrier that controls the passage of substances between the bloodstream and the brain. Dysbiosis in the gut can disrupt the integrity of the BBB, allowing inflammatory molecules and immune cells to enter the brain and exacerbate neuroinflammation. By regulating the gut microbiome, it may be possible to reduce neuroinflammation and protect the brain from the damaging effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

Potential Therapeutic Strategies

Given the potential role of the gut microbiome in Alzheimer’s disease, targeting the GMB presents a promising therapeutic avenue. Several strategies are being explored to modulate the gut microbiome and mitigate AD pathology.

1. Probiotics and Prebiotics: Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that can be consumed through supplements or fermented foods. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that feed beneficial gut bacteria. Both probiotics and prebiotics can help restore a healthy balance in the gut microbiome. Studies have shown that certain probiotics can reduce inflammation and improve cognitive function in animal models of AD. Clinical trials are needed to determine their efficacy in humans.

2. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT): FMT involves transferring gut microbiota from a healthy donor to a recipient. This procedure has shown promise in restoring a healthy gut microbiome and improving symptoms in various conditions, including Clostridium difficile infection and inflammatory bowel disease. Preliminary studies in animal models suggest that FMT may also have beneficial effects on AD pathology by restoring a healthy gut microbiome.

3. Diet and Lifestyle: Diet plays a significant role in shaping the gut microbiome. A diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods can promote a healthy gut microbiome. Conversely, a diet high in processed foods and sugars can lead to dysbiosis. Regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and stress management are also important for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome and overall brain health.

In summary, the gut microbiome appears to play a significant role in the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease by influencing neuro-inflammation, amyloid plaques, and tau tangles. While many questions remain, the potential for gut-focused therapies offers a hopeful path forward in the fight against AD. Continued research into the gut microbiome’s role in Alzheimer’s could lead to novel, effective treatments and improve the quality of life for millions affected by this devastating disease.

By understanding and harnessing the power of the gut microbiome, we may unlock new strategies to combat Alzheimer’s disease and promote brain health throughout life.


Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Sloan, S. A., Bennett, M. L., Scholze, A. R., O’Keeffe, S., Phatnani, H. P., Gu, H., Marcavage, K. P., Lai, A., Wu, D., Zhou, Y., Song, J., Oida, C., Nampoothiri, S., Silva, J. C., Zou, C., Nelson, D. A., Lyons, D. A., … Wu, J. Q. (2023). The gut microbiome in Alzheimer’s disease: what we know and what remains to be explored. Molecular Neurodegeneration, 18(1), 9.