
Water is essential to life, and staying hydrated is crucial for overall health. But beyond plain water, various “enhanced” waters have gained popularity, each claiming unique health benefits. Two of the most talked-about types are hydrogen water and ionised water. This article delves into the differences between these two types of water, their purported benefits, and what the science says about their effectiveness.

Understanding Hydrogen Water

What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water is simply water that has been infused with molecular hydrogen (H2) gas. Molecular hydrogen is a tasteless, odourless gas that, when dissolved in water, is claimed to offer a range of health benefits.

How is Hydrogen Water Made?

Hydrogen water is created by dissolving hydrogen gas into water under pressure or through a chemical reaction. Some products use electrolysis, where an electric current splits water into hydrogen and oxygen, allowing hydrogen to dissolve back into the water.

Claimed Benefits of Hydrogen Water

  1. Antioxidant Properties: One of the most touted benefits of hydrogen water is its antioxidant potential. Antioxidants help neutralise harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
  2. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Preliminary studies suggest that hydrogen water can reduce inflammation, which is linked to a range of health conditions, from arthritis to heart disease.
  3. Improved Athletic Performance: Athletes may find hydrogen water beneficial as some studies indicate it can reduce muscle fatigue and improve recovery times.
  4. Neuroprotective Effects: There is emerging evidence that hydrogen water may protect the brain from damage, which could have implications for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Scientific Evidence on Hydrogen Water

While the potential benefits of hydrogen water are promising, the research is still in its early stages. Some animal and small-scale human studies have shown positive results, but larger, more rigorous studies are needed to confirm these findings. For instance, a study published in the journal “Medical Gas Research” highlighted the antioxidant effects of hydrogen water, but emphasised the need for further investigation.

Understanding Ionised Water

What is Ionised Water?

Ionised water, also known as alkaline water, is water that has been treated to increase its pH level. This is typically done through a process called electrolysis, which splits the water into acidic and alkaline components.

How is Ionised Water Made?

Ionised water is produced using a water ioniser, which applies an electric current to the water, causing the minerals in the water to separate. This results in water that is more alkaline (higher pH) and water that is more acidic (lower pH).

Claimed Benefits of Ionised Water

  1. Better Hydration – Proponents of ionised water claim that it is more easily absorbed by the body, providing better hydration compared to regular water.
  2. Acid-Base Balance – Ionised water is believed to help balance the body’s pH levels, which is thought to counteract the acidity of modern diets.
  3. Detoxification – Some believe that ionised water can aid in detoxifying the body, though scientific support for this claim is limited.
  4. Antioxidant Properties – Ionised water is also claimed to have antioxidant properties due to the presence of negatively charged ions.

Scientific Evidence on Ionised Water

The scientific evidence supporting the benefits of ionised water is mixed. While some studies suggest potential benefits, many health claims are not strongly supported by rigorous scientific research. For instance, a study in the journal “Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine” found some benefits to alkaline water, but the authors called for more research to substantiate these claims.

Hydrogen Water vs. Ionised Water: Key Differences

  1. Composition:
    • Hydrogen water contains dissolved molecular hydrogen.
    • Ionised water has a higher pH level and contains negatively charged ions.
  2. Health Claims:
    • Hydrogen water is primarily touted for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Ionized water is claimed to improve hydration, balance pH levels, and detoxify the body.
  3. Production Process:
    • Hydrogen water is produced by dissolving hydrogen gas into water.
    • Ionized water is created through electrolysis, which increases the water’s pH level.
  4. Scientific Support:
    • Hydrogen water has some promising preliminary research but requires more extensive studies.
    • Ionised water has mixed scientific support, with many claims not robustly backed by research.

Which is Better?

Choosing between hydrogen water and ionised water depends on individual health goals and preferences. Both types of water offer potential benefits, but it’s important to approach the health claims with a critical eye.

Hydrogen Water: If the primary goal is to gain antioxidant benefits, hydrogen water might be more beneficial. The antioxidant properties of molecular hydrogen are better documented, albeit still requiring more extensive research. Athletes and those looking to reduce inflammation might find hydrogen water more appealing.

Ionized Water: If the goal is to potentially improve hydration and balance pH levels, ionised water might be preferable. However, the scientific backing for these claims is less robust. People who believe in the benefits of alkaline diets might be more inclined to choose ionised water.

Practical Considerations

When considering hydrogen or ionized water, practical factors such as cost, availability, and personal preference play significant roles.

Cost: Hydrogen water can be more expensive due to the technology required to infuse water with hydrogen gas. Pre-packaged hydrogen water and hydrogen-generating tablets are available but can be costly. Ionisers for making ionised water at home also represent a significant investment, although they can produce alkaline water on demand.

Availability: Both types of water are becoming more readily available, but hydrogen water might be harder to find in local stores compared to ionised water. Online retailers offer a variety of options for both.

Taste and Personal Preference: Taste preferences might also influence the choice. Some people report a distinct taste in ionised water due to its altered pH, while others find hydrogen water to be neutral and more palatable.

Hydrogen water and ionised water each offer unique potential benefits, but both require more scientific validation. Hydrogen water’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are promising but need further research. Ionised water’s claims of better hydration and pH balance are intriguing, but the evidence is less convincing.

Ultimately, the choice between hydrogen and ionised water comes down to personal health goals and preferences. It’s essential to stay informed and critical of health claims and to consult healthcare providers when making significant changes to one’s diet or health routine. Whether choosing hydrogen water for its potential cellular benefits or ionised water for its supposed alkalising effects, staying hydrated remains the most important factor for health and well-being.

By Anne